-Eat, Sleep, Work, Rinse, Lather, Repeat...Feed the cat...-

Song of the Moment:
Usagi & Seiya <> "I Miss You"

Yeah...feeling out of it lately. I miss everyone lots. I just haven't had the energy to do anything lately. Blah. Working sucks. We have like 2 new people over in Sherpa Land now. Justin and (?Guy who I still don't know his name?). Justin's a prick. He scared me at first, he bares a striking resemblance to one of my ex's. But it only took about 10 minutes to figure out that the boy was about as bright as a 2 watt light bulb. After that he got annoying, then just plain stupid, then he reached the level of asshole. I believe today's conversation was about how much fun it was to go downtown and pick up fat chicks. He was saying it as if he were cow tipping or something. Like it was all just one big game. Both the new guys are like 20 and 22 and they both have children. And Justin was talking about how ugly his girlfriend was, but that he's stuck with her cause of the baby. I say to all 3 of them (including James who also has a baby and is Justin's room mate or some shit) It's you're own ass for not keeping it in the pants ne? I think all three of them are just too stupid to know what a condom is or something. I wonder what that says of the girlfriends as well...The only one that seems to have somewhat of a brain is the new new guy (who's name I don't know) I'd have been lenient and given him credit for one whole (yet slightly damaged) brain, but he's friends with Justin. Ah well. I busted the sewing machine on Monday morning (although there is evidence that there was some over the weekend tampering with the damn thing), and thus spent the last 2 or 3 days burning holes in straps...I can't even remember how many days it's been. All I remember is the eye stinging golden rod color of the last two boxes of 2000. And there's another box waiting for me...gods this week is taking forever. And I work saturday and sunday too...

Got mail from school today. Seems like they've been letting my mail collect over there before sending it to me. Anyway, I have to call and tell them I already did placement testing. Hm...let's see...I can't remember anything that happened last week. Oh I got my first pay check. Not a full 2 weeks worth, but still. Then I finally got a bank account. Now they have my money and I can't spend it cause I have no checks or TIME card to get it out of there with. So hopefully I'll get checks tomorrow or something. Um, I finished "Exquisite Corpse" a while back. Then I read Christopher Moore's "Blood Sucking Fiends". Then Kinky Friedman's "Elvis Jesus & Coca-cola". Today I was gonna start reading "Alien Taste" but I couldn't concentrate on anything. Instead I slept through lunch. And I got a new scanner. An HP ScanJet 4300C. It was an open box model so it was only $30 instead of $80, which was cool. Then I got an extra 10% off cause of some sale going on, which I used to buy a 2 year replacement plan, in the event that I should fry this one as well. But I highly doubt that, because the plugs for this one are white. As long as I can tell the difference between black and white, I should be fine.

And yet still I have lived up to my high school reputation of vampirism. Everyone at work makes comments on how I must be a vampire, or how I must be dead. But I'm still friendly. Is that something like Casper the friendly ghost? Kali the friendly vampire? Is that what it is? Kali is not amused...

I'm thinking with my next pay check I will be investing in a new computer. Poor Navi isn't cutting it anymore. Gomen Nasai Navi-kun. They had a nice 2 gig HP at Best Buy for around $500 (open box). So we'll see where that goes. And the parents are in support of this plan for "educational purposes". Gotta love compies ^__^.

Hm...I think that's it for now. Though I'm probably forgetting lots...

"ai ga sabishisa wo tsukuru koto
shiranakucha otona ni narenai no
Don't leave me alone anymore "

-To State Street and Back Again-

Song of the Moment:
X JAPAN<> "Adolescent Sex"

So I cancled work Saturday and went to visit my friend Melissa. It was a good break from working, even though Ryan's need for a "Sherpa Land" theme song was entertaining. But alas *sigh* I have to go back to work tomorrow. Man I hate Mondays.

So anyway, Becky came along this time and we went down state street again. And we went to the library with the big evil security thing (you need a state ID to apply for a visitors pass). We saw the "god lights". That's what Melissa calls the lights in the library that turn on when you walk past them. The whole thing was like a prison library. And they had cages! Cages where you lock yourself in and study! Now all I need is to lure in the H.J.W.B.... The scary part is that one kid decorated his cage with britney spears posters. And after we sucessfully made it out of the library we went to Sam Goody, and got The Exorcist on DVD. Then after walking a bit more, back to the dorm to watch DVDs.

So after DVDs we went walking again. It was real late, but people were still all over the place. And we ran into a bunch of drunk guys. One of which decided to climb up on the rock thing we were standing on and hug everyone, especially me...I wanted to punch his brains out. NO ONE touches me! Well almost no one. There are people I don't have problems with. But everyone else just creeps me out. It's kinda hard to explain, unless you could feel it too. And this guy was drunk, so it was worse then usual. But after that I was on an energy high, so we were all running around. Then we went back to the dorm again and someone called and kept talking to me even though they had a wrong number. Bastards.

Then after about 12 rounds of "Watashi wa Tamagoyaki" it was time for bed, and then time to get up and hop the bus back home. There was a giant blow up badger and a the masscot costumed person on our way back to the bus. Freaky place.

Dragon Half was interesting, in the mindlessly retarded way. It was hillarious,but it's another anime that was never finished, so there were only 2 episodes. But we want more. "SSSSAAAAAUUUUUCCCCCEEEERRRRR!" hahahaha. And I found time to start reading Exquisite Corpse. Didn't get very far before I passed out from lack of sleep. Ah well. Gotta go prep for Monday in Sherpa land now...

"Whatever gets you through the night
Just keep on dancing
Whatever gets you through the night
Keep on dancing babe
Get up get up get up
Take it much higher"

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