-Squishy Soupy Feeling-

Song of the Moment:
Live <> "Dance With You"

Mrph...My head is like somewhere else today. It's as if the blood that's bathing my brain were actually some kind of potent wine, on which all my thoughts are getting plastered. ....(giggles at the thought of my head being just one big chalice of red wine...what a morbid thought this is...). Seriously though...

So I slept a good portion of the day off. It was good, but I woke up feeling as if I'd been hit by a bus. I go upstairs and my mom hands me too tiny bottles of minty stuff. Wai! Happiness. I loooovvvvveeeee minty stuffs. And then they dragged me to a church festival that was basically a beer tent and some games. The people there did seem to find it ammusing that my mom decided to bite my fingers when I tried to give her a piece of candy. Yes I have a wierd familly, and I'm used to being bitten by people, so it doesn't really phase me....yeah...don't ask ok. Then we went to Target. I decided I need goldfish crackers. Isn't my day just so interesting so far...

Then what...oh I came home. And I talked to Melissa, only I couldn't really keep anything she said straight cause my head was swimming. I kept thinking "oh my god I could melt into the chair, I could." And I continued to revive my music collection. I'm done now, but unfortunatly I lost lots of it too badly scratched disks. *sob* And I have NO clue where the Aucifer and Penicillin disks went. Oh well... Then I decided I couldn't keep zoning out and being lulled to sleep by the music, I needed a nap.

And I wake up for dinner. Salsbury steak and potatoes. Blah. And more chit chat. And then dish duty. And now here I am,shoving Good'n Fruities in my mouth, NEO UNIVERSE screaming from the speakers, it's almost 2 am, and I've just recieved a karmic ranking of "Tuneaholic" from song spy. I can't even get this thing to work,because of my fire wall, but I enjoy reading the Karmic Rankings...yeah. Danm I ran out of lil fruity candies. Those things are good. You know you can never find them in the store any more. NEVER. But I found them at the festival, so naturally I had to buy some.

There was this scary african lady there who kept yelling at me that I want to buy her stuff. She basically had taken anything she could find (plain rocks, marbles, small toys, shells, peices of metal, plasic glob things, beads...) and wrapped it several times into a rather sloppy, unartistic wire "cage" type appearance then put it on a string. Kinda crazy. The church itself was also a school I think. I don't go to church, never have. Melissa dragged me along to her church when she had to get pictures taken. I stood in the hall and waited. Churches always have a weird smell to them. And they're kinda creepy. At least to me. I don't know why. And this ones smelt like a church too, even the gym. I'd expected an elementary school to smell of lunch food stored in brown paper bags. Sandwitches and cookies and juices. But it only smelt of church. Religion puzzles me really. It's like one big war. I mean I look at it and all I see is greed, corruption and anger. Isn't religion supposed to be about peace and faith? Maybe I lack faith, maybe I need a religion, but it all seems to be one big sensless war to me. Everyone trying to prove their religion is better...*sigh*

"I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The Karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace
I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face"

-Come Out and Play-

Song of the Moment:
Rikki <> "Suteki Da Ne"

And the reign of the evil tablet has come to an end. After an entire week of fucking with my head, making me think I was incompitent, frustrating me to no end... So the dude comes downstairs and decides I'm a retard, and that if he putzed with it he could figure out what I was doing wrong. That lasted for a whole...oh five minutes. Then he stood up and said, "Get the fucking box, pack it back up, We're taking it back NOW!" The thing was constantly opening programs and what not. So buh bye tablet...and hello 80GB harddrive!

Yeah I got my money back for the tablet, and they had HD's on sale. $109 for an 80GB. And considering my wonderful friend Navi back home, running almost non-stop to serve me, with it's 2GB hard drive, I caved. I looked for a cheaper one first of course. Something smaller and less expensive, cause really what do I need 80 gigs for? But after seeing the retarded pricing jobs... 30GB same company $80, 40GB same company $80, 40GB same company, different box, $109. I was like, "uh...I'll take the 80 thank you." They had externals too, but those are expensive, and I don't really need one of those. And that piece of rose quartz in my pocket just jabbed itself into my thigh...ow.

In other news, I got my sleep today. And apparently I ate a whole plate of pancakes too. My dad says he woke me up and handed me a plate full of pancakes and a soda, and I ate them. I don't remember this...but then again I didn't remember the phone call, or trying to jump off the balcony either. Oh well...

So now I'm back to square one, maybe up a step or two, but still back where I started. And there's this scanner sitting here, that the wires don't fit into. It thinks it's going to replace my scanner, but it's not. It lies.

I plan on reviving my music collection now. Yes endless hours of japanese screaming and the ocasional english tunes. Ah...
Earlier, I was talking to Melissa and she was mad cause her step dad promised to call and didn't. I know how that is. People say "Oh I'll call you" and don't, and you're all like "danm it" so I picked up the phone and dialed her number. And when she picked up I said "BE HAPPY!" ^___^

"Sono mune
Karada azuke
Yoi ni magire

-Sweet Dreams of Nothing-

Song of the Moment:
LUNA SEA <> "Aurora"

I love this song. Look I'm alive! Ok, I'm done now. T.D.I.D.B. isn't that bad of a driver. And I thank him for driving me home, and appologize for making fun of his driving, but had he been in my dream, yeah, he'd realize why. Work sucked today, though it was over quick enough. We got out at 10:30. But I was in a good mood actually. I got to count the floral, and there were so many fuzzy cute soft stuffed animals. I just wanted to curl up and sleep for the rest of the day in the pile of plushies in the corner. Wouldn't that have been a sight? You walk into you local German Town Pick'n'save, and in the corner, right next to the door, is this girl in a dark blue shirt with a carebear patch ironed on to one side, and burn marks on the other. A calculator around her waste, a demented rainbow of colored paper tags in her pocket, curled in the fetal position amongst the mounds of stuffed plush doggies and kitties and bears (and various other fuzzy animals). Smiling contently, mummbling, drooling perhapse. Rolling over, letting the calculator buttons smush into the merchandise, causing the calculator to go into a fit of annoying non-stop beeping. Of course I'd probably either respond by talking to it, or doing nothing at all and just sleeping.

I think the reason I have this sudden rush of energy is because of the dream I had. I hadn't gotten much sleep. I'd say an hour and a half tops. But the dream I had was so vivid and real. It was a good dream. Yes, not alot of those lately. It was strange though, I half expected to wake up curled in someone's arms. I could physically feel the phanthoms. Feel their touch, their warmth, their energy. These are the kinds of dreams that make me not want to ever stop dreaming. So peaceful, yet for some reason I think I was waiting for someone to come take me from the dream. To take me to their dream. I kept repeating "I'm ready now, come get me". I was regarding the thought as a promise. Someone had promised me that we'd sit at the edge of the fountain in a field of flowers, with rays of sunlight pouring down. Just the two of us, happy. And for some reason, this part didn't seem like a dream at all, more like a memory, more like an actual spoken promise. But I don't recall anyone ever saying something like that to me.

But I had to wake up. Ne, does anyone remember promising me this? Am I just insane?

The dude didn't seem too happy this morning, I suspect he was up all night arguing with my mom. I suspect this because I heard voices. Voices that didn't stop murmuring back and forth till a good 1:30 in the morning last night. Sometimes I regret the fact that my room is directly under theirs. But today I am determined to finish LS. Yes Yes I will.

This morning was real cold too. I didn't bring my jacket, because like I had stated, my room is fucking 90 degrees, and I was still very warm until about halfway through the trip to the park and ride. So I was being a bit of an energy leech in the van. I've come to find that that one guy (?) has a very strong, childlike energy. That's good I think, to still be young at heart. Stacy has the same type of energy, not as strong though. Of course I've been told by several people that I have a very strong energy force myself. "Very warm, and peaceful. It's like a reflection of your character." -^__^- I think that was the first time anyone had ever complimented me in that manner. And from such an unexpected sorce. Unfortunatly this person made me sick to my stomach every time they touched me... Hm, should I comment on the rest of you? Will you think me weird? Hell I don't care...After all Melissa said all those nice things about me and everyone else and what not. Melissa...Melissa's energy gives me more of a comforting feeling. Danielle's energy has a very warm healing quality to it. And Becky, kinda tense, like...uh like supresed kinda. Ok now I feel wierd talking about weird stuff. -.-; It isn't that weird is it?

About 5 hours, one nap, a burger and some fries later...

I finished! Wahahaha, quick give me the next one! Favorite quote -> "Four A.M. knows all my secrets" "Four A.M. is when all my dreams die." I don't think I liked Ann...and I need a drink, I'm thirsty yes. During my nap I had some wierd dream of beating the shit out of a calculator. I can't quite recall what it was really about though, cause I was rudely awaken when the lights flickered on and a McDonalds bag came hurdling in my face. Nothing like waking up to the smell of burgers and fries and realizing you're staring at the grease stained bottom of a brown paper bag to start you da- uh evening off right. About 20 minutes later I was over come by a wave of nausia...So I picked up the book again, and didn't put it down till I reached the end. Yes and to think that reading about the blood and gore made everything better again...*cough*... Now LUNA SEA's "4 AM" is ringing through my head.

"Imawa      yoruwa     kagayate     egaite"
"Left in my heart      into the timeless time"

Ah I have a Pepsi. A nice, warm, almost instantaniously flat tasting, Pepsi. Damn online job searching today. I did that yesterday. And I laughed everytime the question "Can you work a calculator?" came up. It's what I do for a living! Well that and practice staring off into the darkness of the shelves, letting the sliver of light that illuminates the ridges of the cans guide my fingers to the '1', '2' or '3' key and then the enter button. All in all it is very mind numbing. *giggles* There's still glitter in my hair. Oh I will so enjoy sleeping in tommorow. I think good dreams are like the O.K. to saying "Yes you will actually get a decent night's sleep for once", that is providing they last.

"(Chikazukitai chikazukenai)
(Kimi yo yume wo miteru?)
(Kegare no nai ai ga areba...)"

-A Mound of Dishes and Five Lost Dollars Later-

Song of the Moment:
Hamasaki Ayumi <> "Surreal"

Ah, the inccoherent mind of someone who hasn't really slept in days, and has spent all their ungodly morning hours counting dusty cans on a supermarket shelf. Thus is the life and thought process of an inventory-ist.
But seriously...I don't even know where I went today, but I do know that it must have been a rather long drive. I blacked out on the way up to the store, I guess it was another nothing state, only this one was slightly clinging to the thoughts that trailed ever slowly through my brain. Thoughts like "Why the hell am I here" and "I could have turned down today" and "I shouldn't have gotten out of bed" and "Oh look, I'm in the van, their van...why do they insist that I drive in THIS van" and "They know I'm gonna have to take the other van home" and "They must like to cause shit" and "I don't remember breathing in for the last 10 minutes". The streetlights were blaring in my vision, and when there were no lights, all I saw was darkness. I slept on the way back, hopefully I didn't start talking.

Then I was kicked out of Dani's house,and had to call my dad, and face the fate that was surely awaiting me at home. 3 days of unwashed dishes (or so THEY claim, I swear it couldn't have been more then 2). Do you know what that adds up to around here? Well, let me tell you...A FUCKING DISH CASTLE! A MONUMENT TO THE GODS OF HALF EATEN MEALS! AND ROTTING FOOD! AND WREAKING WATER! Oh but it's MY job....So I refused. I was tired, almost beyond physical (in the I'm floaty sort of way) and the last thing I wanted to do was stick my hands into cold, stinky, dish water wondering what would surface this time. So I payed my dad $5 to do them. I think he now shares in the horror of what is my life. Of course I had to explain to him that my mom's definition of "Doing the dishes" doesn't end at the sink. Oh no my dear friends, not by a long shot. "Doing the dishes" consists of the following activities: The actual washing, drying, and putting away of the dishes, washing the sink, cleaning the counters, sweeping the floor, cleaning off the table, putting away everythign in the kitchen, and cleaning the stove. In other words "Washing the dishes" means "cleaning the entire kitchen". And the kitchen has to be the messiest room in the house, aside from Rikki's room of course. That's on account of Rikki practically lives in there too. So my dad had to do my chores, and he started bitching out Rikki when he realized how truely disgusting things can get. Funny, when I complain all he says is "boo hoo" or "go beat the shit out of him then" (knowing full well that I can't)

FUN FACTS ABOUT KALI: #5 Kali once got so mad at Rikki that she attempted to beat the shit out of him. This attempt included shaking, walking up to him, growling in anger, lightly smacking him upside the head, then getting pissed at herself for doing so and running off (but not before he unleashed his wonderful temper and beat the shit out of me). Yes, Yes, I'm pathetic.

Perhapse things will change a lil. Though I doubt that.

While he did that, I took a nap. After making screen caps of the dvd with his computer ^__^ hehehe.

Click here to see fertiler JR.

I was awaken for dinner after that, and the rest of the night was kinda a haze. I got reading time in, and read about 150 pages, before now realizing it's 2:30 AM and I need to sleep cause I have to get up for work at 4:15 AM. So to Zillah and Nothing, and Christian, Molochai, Twig, Ghost, Steve, slut Ann and my Blog, I bid you all a good night and pleasant dreams.

"Dokoni mo nai basho de
Watashi wa watashi no mama de tatteru yo
Nee kimi wa kimi no mama de ite ne
Itsumade mo kimi de ite hoshii"

-Slowly Let the Sun Shine-

Song of the Moment:
Penicillin <> "The Flame"

Ack...I worked today, and I had gotten no sleep last night. I did manage to reach a state of nothingness though. It wasn't sleep, it wasn't being awake, it was just nothing, pure, motionless, thoughtless, nothing. Hearing the alarm go off was almost like being risen from a coma...but then I got to go to Dani's and watch anime so it was good. And I work tommorow, and I work friday...sob*. I got to follow Dani to her job interview. Then try and wander of on my own for a soda.

FUN FACTS ABOUT KALI: #4 Kali is extreamly sun blind/ night blind.

Oh don't worry I made it back alive, it was only across the street....It's ok though really, because I trust my friends enough to lead me through my blindness and not get me killed. I'd like to believe that. And besides I've come to recognize certain traits about each of them, as in the way they sound. For example, Danielle always drags her feet when she walks (she's the best person to walk blind with cause I can keep pace with her footsteps), Melissa wears bells around her ankels. Every once in a while I catch them stopping and turning to check if I'm still behind her. Stacy likes to swing her arms, or objects she's holding, which cuts the air as she walks. She's the one who always gets away, I always seem to loose her.

Anyway, we went to the park with the river after that. And there were more track boys at this park. Not as good though, nothing gawk worthy. The park itself was nice though, very nice. We walked along, not knowing where we'd end up, and suddenly I just caught this idea that if I went right and turned and went up the lil path thing over the lil hill thing there would be swings, and there were. Don't ask how I'd known that, I've never been there before. I think Dani thought the caffine was getting to me, cause all of a sudden I took off in the direction of a path. I usually walk along side her, but for some reason I found myself up ahead, giggling happily. It was odd.

I sewed my Care Bear patch (Grumpy desu) to a shirt, then accidentally burnt the shirt...*sob* I'm a horrible house keeper or something, but at least Dani ate the perogies I cooked. The only other person I've ever cooked for was Becky I think, I made her noodles. Well I made myself noodles and made her help me eat them cause there were way too many.

Oh and she got Steel Angel Kurumi 3 for me. Wahahaha! There's a Fertiler jr.! I swear. His name is Mikhail. I want to use him in my next site layout. Ok here are the parallels between the Fertiler (Kaworu of NGE) and Mikhail:
-->Both were met by the sea, sitting ontop of a big rocklike thing (in Kaworu's case it was a sculpture/
-->Both can levetate
-->Both are angels (Kaworu being the 13th angel, Tabris and Mikhail being a Steel Angel)
-->Both have scraggly grey hair
-->Both have fertilled someone (Kaworu -> Shinji, Mikhail -> Nakahido (who I now refer to as Shinji Jr. Because he is totally acting like Shinji)
-->Both wear silly shirts
-->Both went against their own people sorta
-->Kaworu tells Shinji that if he loves him, he should kill him. Mikhail tells Nakahido that if he loves Kurumi, he should kill her.
-->Both say it's for the good of the planet and the human race and what not
-->Both manage to confuse the shit out of the main character (of the same sex)
-->Both are assumed to be foreign or mysterious in nature
-->Both are rather quiet
-->Both are using their friendship to get what they want

As soon as I get time, there will be screen caps! Wahaha. I didnt' even have time to read LS today...but I did get to read Chobits 2. Must have more...ack stop all the commercialism! Make it all go tv...

"Another night slowly closes in
And I feel so...lonely
Touching you, freezing over my skin
I pretend you still hold me
I'm going crazy, I'm loosing sleep
I'm in too far, I'm in way too deep, over you
You were the first, you'll be the last"

-Ghostly Goodness?-

Song of the Moment:
X Japan <> "Crucify My Love"'s 8pm and I have just awaken from Lost Souls induced dreams. The ghostly images of what I've come to identify as some sublevel of my unconcious. Like a deep drowsey, shallow sleep. That's how I would describe it. It's the kind of sleep where I can easily recognize I'm dreaming and yet can't escape, and at the same time at any second could break into reality again. This is also the kind of sleep where I tend to have nightmares. Everything seems real, and every once in a while I can not only see but also feel, taste, smell, sense my surroundings. Which generally makes things all that much more interesting, if not terrifyingly real. This dream not being an exception.

Now before I begin, I'd like to forewarn you that I don't have any control over these dreams. I can not influence their events, and no matter how I scream and shout, eventually I must give in till the image passes. It's sorta the darker side of my unconcious, if you'd like to think of it that way. And when LS (as of the moment I'm on ch. 13 by the way) gets involved, well don't expect the pretty things to come crawling out...unless they're there to bite you on the ass. So it has been said, so you were forewarned, and so you can not punish me for the tarnishing of you phanthomly beings.

Ghost sat besides me, fiddling with his jacket, searching for something. The whole time my eyes were fixed apon his thin pale figure. Thoughts that all I wanted to do was jump him kept running though my brain, and I'd open my mouth to speak, but nothing came. I didn't know where I was, how I'd gotten there, how he'd gotten there, and for some reason I questioned it. He looked me strait in the eye and said "Stop. Sometimes you should just take existance for granted. Sometimes you should do this just to callous the pain." With that he gentally kissed my forehead. I was startled that he had been reading my thoughts, and while I sat bewildered on the river bank he got up and left. By the time the shock wore off I realized he was gone. Where he sat, lying in the flattened patch of grass, was the thing he had been searching for. A small vile of dark crimson liquid. I took it down along with the water of the river. It was blood, poisoned with some sort of drug. I felt dizzy, almost happy, unreal. I decided to go find someone to share this feeling with.

So I found a pay phone and called up Melissa, and then Danielle. Both of them greated me up a few minutes later from the seats of T.D.I.D.B.'s red car. Dani was in the pasenger seat, Melissa in back. They explained that no one else would drive them, and that he had volinteered to do so, so I climbed in back and closed the door. Melissa offered me a tiny keyboard, and told me to type something. So I did: "I'm HUNGRY." She asked me what I wanted and so I typed another message in: "Well...Danielle looks tastey." With that Melissa started laughing out loud, which caught the attention of our easily distracted driver who imediatly wanted to know what was going on. Dani yelled at him to keep his eyes on the road and I continued typing. "I need...", "make me pancakes", "I need...", "tell me stories", "I need...", "Tell me pain", "I need pain", "I AM...". The car swirved through the stream of lights and I lifted my head to find that my messages had become visible in the passenger side mirror which Dani gawked at. And the driver was trying to read over her shoulder. The car swirved again, and I slumped forward to ask him polietly to keep his eyes on the road. But the words never came, for apon the sight of the great bright yellow mass comming strait for us caused me to black out.

As I slept the light still burned into my eyes.

When I awoke I was lying face down in a mound of blankets. I could feel someone's fingers trailing across the exposed flesh of my back, which jolted me out of never-never land. Dani sat besides me, pale form loosely bundled in my rose colored Vellux blanket. "You still are..." she smiled, then gestured to the fact that I should cover myself. I blushed and pulled the sheets up over myself. Looking around I realized we were at Melissa's dad's house, but it was different, humble. I found Melissa sitting to my other side, in the same condition, pulling her blankets tautly around her, like a cocoon, as if exposing even the slightest sliver of her body would cause fatal injury. I'd looked around, as if to ponder as to where it was that my clothes had gone,not to mention their own. Melissa had offered an explanation, but I didn't catch it. I just kept thinking about what had happened, and wondering if infact I was dead. I decided to get up.

Then I felt a sudden surge of pain throughout my body, and collapsed again. Danielle proceeded to move her hands over my back, and I realized she was trying to heal whatever injuries I had sustained from the crash. But they both looked as if they had not been effected. Despite her efforts, the pain grew worse and I plunged my teeth into her hand as if to beg her to make it stop. Her pain ran through me, her energy, and finally her blood. But she didn't cry, and Melissa looked on, as if it were only natural. All at once I felt sick to my stomach. Letting go of her hand I turned over and vomitted, a puddle of sticky mucussy blood. Melissa impulsivly started wipping it up as I lurched above the puddle, clutching my stomach, watching my tears delude the color. In the next room I could hear others talking, things that made my skin crawl, words that even this distorted made their intentions clear. I felt the urge to vomit again, and closed my eyes. I could see beyond the wall. The one man sprawled out over the table and chairs, the boy that crawled over him, a slave to his flesh. At frist I thought the boy had proclaimed the man a christian, but then I realized that the man WAS Christian. His thoughts were drawing me in, inviting me to come play. He outpowered me in both strength and years, and I could not shake his vocie from my head, nor destroy the visions he was showing me. He was giving me pain, his pain. Pain that consisted of the pain of hundreds of dying souls. Pain of his victums, that he'd taken into himself. Pain no living thing could endure.

And as dreams go, that's where I woke up.Fun huh?

In other news, I went job hunting today. Owl Imports wouldn't hire me cause they were looking for a "full time part time person". I say whatever. Me and Stacy went to the park, where I relayed a passage from the book (the "Daddy, I'm gonna be a vampire" part) to her. She seemed out of it, and I paused occasionally to gawk at the half naked group of Central track boys that zoomed past several times, as they made their large circles around the park. I'd giggle, Stacy would go "oh no" and then I pointed out the blonde one. She surpised me after starting up another conversation, then cutting in the middle of it, quickly muttering "I like the one in the red shorts". That made me laugh. And now I'm here in my room, super hyper caffinated and admiring my lil black fan with the red tape all over it, singing along to Creed, and gobling mouthfulls of burger to ease the pain of teething (you know...uh wisdom teeth). Dani just called, like out of nowhere. Coolness.

"Like a river flowing to the sea
You'll be miles away
And I will know
I know I can deal with the pain
No reason to cry..."

-Anata e-

Song of the Moment:
Coldplay <> "Yellow"

Well today was much better then yesterday, yes yes it was. I got my tablet! It's got a 12" x 9" working area, and wireless pen and a wireless mouse and it came with various paint and photo programs, along with signature varification and a few other lil weird things. Big improvement from my 4" x 5" lil Disney tablet with the wired pen that I couldn't even draw with cause the wire was made for people with lil arms. But...the thing hates's gonna take a while for us to work out these differences. In the meantime...I have about $40 bucks to live off of for the rest of the month. And tomorow I'm gonna go apply for that job, and perhapse anything else that may catch my interest. Stacy has agreed to wake my ass up and come with me.
And I actually started reading Lost Souls, not counting yesterday's lil dizzy spell, I re-read that part just because. It's very good so far. Nothing and his friends are very fucked up, and Melissa says it gets worse. Ghost is fun though ^__^.
Anyway, after being interupted from my reading several times I decided to come back and talk to Melissa and Stacy online. Then I had a pretty interesting conversation with Melissa that steamed from her "afronted silence" and my rambling about whatever was passing though my head at the time. All philioshifical. (ok I realize that's probably not a word) Anyway, I've decided that even if I have to choke the words out I will talk to her Melissa. Arigato. I'm just the kind of person who finds it hard to express their feelings, on account of I'm afraid that no one will accept them. I'm afarid to be hurt, so I don't let people in, I figure I won't give them to chance to do so, yet in doing this I've hurt myself. That's just the way it goes. I was never really asked how I felt, never needed to use words to describe those feelings, and thus don't really know how to. I get frustrated and it usually ends up being all wrong. But I'm working on it.
But now I need a nice bath, and I have to do the laundry, and I want to read more. I don't think anyone is still awake, so there will be no more interuptions! None! Woohoo! Wahahahaahahahaha...ok ok I'm done.
Hey Becky, I added you to my links page!
"Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do..."

All content is copywrite it's respective owners.
Layout by Kali